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Roadmap e Features Recenti EN

More info can be found on the Facebook page



FlowMeter for diagnostics and water flow meter outcoming from pumps (5%)

Precision waer level analyzer (5%)

If you buy an AquaStation base before the date of release of a new accessory and later you decide to buy one or more modules in RoadMap, the next shipment of the optional modules is free!



--- Due to the high numbers of releases, we invite you to see our facebook page ---

New Hardware released: TouchScreen Display!

The AquaStation web interface has been translated in German!

The AquaStation web interface has been translated in English! The product is now able to manage multilingual interfaces.

New feature: Sending phone alert. it requires no additional hardware and SIM, the system uses VOIP SIP tecnology via internet. More info in our FAQ.

Now you can set a shift in BioDimmer up to 12h. Improved graphics in the thresholds heaters and set differentiated value of power on/off of the cooler.

New Feature: CloudBackup! Enable the cloud backup on your AquaStation! Weekly and during the night, it make a backup of the database and configuration and send it to the server You can download your backups within your personal cloud area on!

If enabled "help us to improve the product", the AquaStation can communicate software and hardware failure automatically to the AquaStation staff.

Se abilitata la funzione "aiutaci a migliorare il prodotto", l'AquaStation è in grado di comunicare anomalie hardware e software al personale di supporto in maniera automatica.

New technical support system: thanks to a specific page, you can now have all the necessary information and, if not sufficient, to send diagnostic files directlyto the AquaStation staff

New option: PWM Pumps manager. Manage tides and water movement through the AquaStation and your PWM circulation pumps

Improved performance of the basic 8Gb AS thanks to a self-diagnosis system of the intensive load

Decreased the boot time , decreased the time required for the update function and improved diagnostics. Increased reliability in critical situations and under intensive load, thanks to the implementation of a cross-checking system

Opening online shopping area

New option: Remote IR Control

New Signature Banners - Temp Value modified in xx,yy °C and not in milligrades

New feature FilterLock able to block the re-poweron of the filter after a blackout over to a number of hours setted

New function Overheat: now you can set two thresholds attenuation bright LEDs for overtemperature in aquarium

AquaStation releases Dimmer PWM module, compatible with PWM 1-10v dimmable power supply

AquaStation RealTimeMeteo: Sends a real-time query to the airport closest to the selected habitat asking for cloud coverage and altitude and cross-checking this value with the visibility data. According to meteorological calculations, five attenuation profiles for brightness will be awarded (from clear sky to thunderstorm).



Estimated Energy Consumption: The feature will provide a rough energy consumption estimate (if optional energy consumption analysis module not included)



AquaStation BioDimmer: Provides a biotope selection of 5 to 7 fresh water profiles, allowing the user to determine the exact photoperiod for selected biotope (if dimmerled module included). The system will automatically calculate the daily amount of sunlight and darkness.





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(You can find in competitions and prizes to win AquaStation Base or Optional Accessories)




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[Italian Channel, EN coming soon]


About Us

AcquaPortal review [ITA] launched its product testing into the sea

What better way to test the reliability of the products into the sea weather? Thanks to a small boat adapted for that purpose, will be made a series of tests both winter and summer, it will soon be possible to access and view the values of a AquaStation working in sea water!


Quale modulo opzionale vorresti che il nostro team di sviluppo realizzasse?

Densimetro elettronico per l'analisi della salinità - 41.9%
Gestore e dimmer per pompe di movimento e maree - 9.3%
Pompe peristaltiche dosatrici - 18.6%
Mini UPS in grado di avvisare via email e mantenere acceso l'AS in caso di assenza di corrente - 9.3%
Display touch screen - 7%
Telecomando - 14%
The voting for this poll has ended

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